Beyond Investment

Your Family Legacy Your Trusted Advisors

Committed to the establishment and extension of your unique family legacy.

Highgate financial professionals provide best-in-class solutions and advice. The highest standards of confidentiality, transparency, objectivity, and professionalism that our firm is built on, is our promise to clients.

We create the mechanism that ensures the efficient transfer of your responsibility from one generation to the next. We do this by addressing both the financial and human elements of your wealth. Offering global support, managing your specialists, providing unique alternative solutions and building your legacy are at the forefront of Highgate’s offering.

Our Offerings

We put your family first

We take an objective, structured, comprehensive and proactive approach to solving the wide range of complex family challenges. We partner with your family and their mandated specialists to develop a global investment policy that aligns with your family legacy. We are continuously innovating and improving our bespoke solutions to ensure that you have access to the latest tools, insights, and strategies in wealth management.

Acting as your family’s Outsourced Chief Investment Officer, we manage portfolios to optimize performance and risk management by determining investment strategy, portfolio construction, manager selection and rebalancing. We have an open architecture that can incorporate internal strategies, manufacture specialized products and selective opportunities while maintaining independence. Our core/satellite approach involves both public and private investments to provide superior returns on a risk adjusted basis.

Our Commitment

We build long term relationships with our clients through unparalleled standards of integrity and service. Client Experience is always at the forefront. Our approach focuses on operational excellence, attention to detail and the utmost care. We provide a client centric approach, ensuring all interactions are aligned with our client’s expectations.

We work with clients to determine their definition of success and commit to accompanying them on their journey, creating a relationship built on trust and respect. We maintain the highest standards of transparency and integrity, ensuring that you are fully informed and confident in the decisions that impact your financial future.

Our Commitment

We build long term relationships with our clients through unparalleled standards of integrity and service. Client Experience is always at the forefront. Our approach focuses on operational excellence, attention to detail and the utmost care. We provide a client centric approach, ensuring all interactions are aligned with our client’s expectations.

We work with clients to determine their definition of success and commit to accompanying them on their journey, creating a relationship built on trust and respect. We maintain the highest standards of transparency and integrity, ensuring that you are fully informed and confident in the decisions that impact your financial future.

Our Founders

Highgate was founded to address challenges experienced by many multigenerational high net worth families struggling to manage multi-class assets, ethical wealth transfer and family governance.

Highgate Group, in partnership with two strategic family offices, have developed a platform to centralize planning, decision making and supervision through a dedicated team of experienced professionals. Built on the experience of our partners, we are able to address the most dynamic intersection of family wealth, where the family and the business collide. With trust-based relationships, dedicated support and additional insight, we are able to help families grow and transfer wealth over generations, creating their True Family Legacy.

We go above and beyond to serve your family. We build trust with our clients through unparalleled standards of integrity and service excellence.

Get in Touch! Learn more about how to join our multi family office.

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